If you are planning to buy a scooter, the process of selecting one can be a little bit confusing or daunting and sometimes such feelings can overcome your fun of getting a new ride. Well, do not get anxious about the right choice of your scooter particularly in terms of its motor power as here, we are providing a complete guide that will help you in choosing the right scooter that will have your desired specifications, accessories and motor-power. Apart from serving the purpose of a buyers’ guide, we will also help you in understanding the points of difference between a 150cc and 50cc scooter. Reason being, this article intends to educate the ultimate rides about various differentiating points that they need to keep in mind in order to choose the right scooter for them particularly in terms of the motor power.
Please go through the following points to get a better understanding in this regard;
Price Tag
The first and foremost reason for making a choice between a 150cc or 50cc scooter is the price tag. Of course, you can expect a hell of difference when the motor power of your scooter is tripled. However, there are numerous options to consider if you have a budget range of $1500-$3000. At Amazon, you can find a number of 50cc scooters within this price bracket available in various shapes, designs, colors and specs. Consider my honest opinion, there is no ride cheaper than a scooter. Yet again, you might be planning to spend above $3000 and in fact you can extend your budget to $1000 or above to get a luxurious 150cc scooter. Although, this high spending will definitely not be the last amount you would spend on the scooter. The higher you will go in terms of scooter’s price, the more you should expect to spend in its repair, maintenance or spare parts whenever needed. So, the claim of owning the cheapest personal ride as a scooter becomes null and void in such scenario.
Yes! You can save some bucks by choosing a super duper cheap scooter but you can expect it falling apart and you will not get a lot for it in such state. Moreover, on road, a 50cc scooter can be easily get uncomfortable when it has vehicles running around over 40 miles per hour or a faster speed. Considering this, the buyers are educated to think buying their scooters as an investment. A ride that fulfills your need of daily commute might not be good enough to keep you saved from blowing up by a fast moving vehicle from nearby. No intention to add pun, but safety of the riders is above all. On the other hand, a 150cc scooter can make you more comfortable and safe on the go even at highways or public transport roads where your 50cc scooter is restricted to go. In fact you can only take your 50cc scooter to a beach or campus cursing or inter-city short rides. In contrast to this the 150cc scooter is heavier, more stable and produces better acceleration and top speed. You miss these things in your 50cc (actually 49.6cc scooter).
Licensing and Insurance Requirements
For a 150cc scooter, you need a license and a number plate issued against your Citizen National Identity Card number. You might also be spending your hard earned money for a mandatory insurance of your 150cc scooter. However, these formalities are not observed mostly for a 50cc scooter. In many states or cities, you can ride your 50cc scooter with your driving license and a separate license for it is not demanded by the city traffic regulating authorities. Same is the case with the insurance of a 50cc scooter. However, state laws vary at different places, so this argument is not universally applicable. Yet, the licensing and insurance cost can also create a big difference in the overall price of a scooter.
When you intend to buy a 50cc scooter, there are a number of brands selling these scooters at market competitive rates. For instance, Razor is a top selling scooter brand. On the other hand, when you have extended budget and wish to buy a scooter with a price tag of $1000 or more, you might be considering Wolf Brand. Without giving an unbiased opinion, this brand has largest selling statistics of mid-range and luxurious scooters across US and in many other countries as well. Wolf’s all scooters are backed by warranties but they have a very little ratio of customers applying for warranty claims.
Top Speed
50cc scooters or what we say ‘Mopeds’ are of course not built to be running on roads and highways at a good speed. The maximum speed you can expect to be generated out of the tiny motor is 30-40 miles per hour. However, this speed is further decreased if the rider is a little bit bulky or someone is tagging along the scooter. On the other hand, a 150cc scooter can provide you a great advantage of speed. It can take you up to 60 miles per hour that is almost double as compared to many of the 50cc scooters. So, if you own a 150cc scooter you really have an advantage of moving in speed. However, it is recommended that even a 150cc, if taken to highways, should only be for short distances, after all it is just a scooter with more power. In many countries, scooters less than 250cc power are not even allowed to enter the highways.
It is quite possible that you think that the discussion about speed is not very much necessary for scooters, but it is seen that a number of urban riders prefer to own a scooter that can weave through even the worst traffic jams in cities and they also wish to shoot down nearby highways with their scooters without any troubles. Hence, speed is not a factor that can be ignored when you are thinking about buying a 150cc or 50cc scooter.
A 150cc scooter offers around seventy miles in a gallon that tells that these scooters are thirstier than the 50cc ones. And of course they should be as they are thrice the power of a 50cc scooter and also offer a number of extras plus they are heavier too. However, for riding in city and particularly for short distances this claim will not go wrong that 50cc scooters are more practical. And as far as their mileage is concerned, on average these scooters can provide up to 100 miles in a gallon due to their small motor.
50cc scooters usually come with warranties for a few months period. After the expiry of that period you would have to pay for every single repair or maintenance. Obviously as 50cc scooters’ buyers are saving handsome amount by getting a really affordable ride, they should not expect the manufacturing company to back their products with long term warranties. However, it is suggested that if you would buy a scooter with a warranty of one or preferably two years on its motor, frame and all other parts, you will definitely be riding it with a more peaceful mind. This advantage cannot be taken with a 50cc scooter. Thought all the scooters either 50cc or 150cc are tested before putting on roads but warranty is a security that can be claimed whenever necessary.
Size of the Wheels
A 50cc scooter has smaller wheels as compared to those of a 150cc. Most of the 50cc scooters have 10-12” wheel size, though few scooters also have 13” wheels. The small size of a scooter’s tires make is more susceptible on roads. It is more exposed to damages, wear and tear. One the other hand, a 150cc scooter usually has 16” wheels that make your ride comfortable and more stable. These comparatively large-sized wheels are also less exposed to the damages caused on uneven pavements.
After discussing a number of contrasting factors between 150cc and 50cc scooters; the discussion concluded with the suitability remarks of both. If you are living in a city and need a ride for your daily commute to schools, workstation or nearby places, all you need is a 50cc scooter. Furthermore, if you are about to start riding, or you are a young or middle aged rider, your 50cc scooter can serve the purpose well. The deck of a 50cc scooter is the right platform to learn how to ride. For leisure rides as well as for short trips to country roads, 50cc scooter is preferable.
One the other hand, if you reside a little outside the boundary of the main city and visit the central city on daily basis for your work or study, a 150cc scooter suits you more. You will not need to push the 50cc scooter to its maximum limits for such commutes. Furthermore, if you do not like to be limited at a speed of 35-40 miles per hour, a 50cc scooter is not a good choice for you.
Considering these points of differences, it is hoped that you would have now understood that how a 150cc scooter contrasts from a 50cc one. And it is also assumed that this article will be helpful in giving you a better idea about choosing the right scooter for you.