If you own an electric bike or planning to buy one, reading this will help you in getting familiar with the useful methods and tips for the maintenance of your e-bike. A well-maintained e-bike is less exposed to any malfunctions on the go. Here, we will help you in saving from any hassles that can be caused due to the improper maintenance of the electric bike. First of all, always remember that the electric bike you own, or wish to buy is the demonstration of technology sophistication. It’s not like the traditional paddle bike that keeps on running with paddle movement and do not demand you to check its majority of components or to schedule a maintenance after regular intervals.
Apart from some basic checks, the good news for e-bike owners is that, these bikes are mostly maintenance-free. More often, when there is a malfunction in any unit or component of the e-bike it is mostly replaced not repaired. However, the below mentioned tips will help you in keeping your electric bike always running smoothly and will not demand frequent maintenance;
- Find Expert Mechanics
For the routine checkup or any repair and maintenance of your e-bike, find the best mechanics in your town. It is observed that despite of the increasing number of e-bikes’ users, the repair shops are still struggling to provide state-of-the-art services. The number of expert mechanics of electric bikes is still not very high. It is recommended to approach the authorized workstation of your e-bike manufacturer or ask the company to recommend some reliable mechanics if its workshop is not near you. The affiliated mechanics and workshops with e-bikes’ dealerships provide far better services than the local mechanics.
- Maintain Motor and Battery
Most of the e-bikes nowadays have brushless hub motors. These motors are sound and vibration less. The high-tech manufacturing of these hub motors enables the riders to enjoy pleasant rides without any irritating noise, knocking or shaking. If at any point during the ride, you feel your bike is producing some extra-ordinary sound that you are not familiar with, it is advised to stop the bike, turn off the motor or switch it to paddle mode. Riding a bike with some malfunctioning in the motor can seize its engine and can also cause you a high-cost maintenance.
Another thing about which e-bikers are highly concerned is the mileage or time they can have with a full charge of their e-bikes. However, it will be interesting to know that with the optimum use of battery, you can increase this time or mileage. The battery of an e-bike can be charged numerous times. It has battery-cycles in thousands. However, to increase the battery health and life, it is advised to not overcharge it and also try to recharge whenever it goes below 20-30% level. The Eco-mode or paddle-assist sort of things also increase battery life. Some atmospheric elements also influence how long your battery charging will last. For instance, if you are riding against the wind direction, the e-bike is facing wind resistance that can decrease the total charging time to even 50%. The other case is riding on mountain inclines. An electric mountain bike that usually gives a mileage of 30 miles can come to as low as 10 to 15 miles when the motor is struggling double.
Apart from these facts, to keep yourself from running out of battery charging on the go, it is advised to not let the charging touch the ending point and keep a separate charger with you on the go or at the work station so that you may charge it whenever the charging shows a below 50% indication. In your e-bike, the battery is one of the most costly component. Therefore, it is advised to handle it carefully when removing or replacing. Also read the instructions in the manual of your e-bike to know what else you can do to keep up the performance and life of its motor and battery.
- Keep up the Safety
A rider does not only need an e-bike with flawless and smooth running but it is also mandatory to make sure the ride is safe. And for this, it is important to keep a check on the tires, chain and brakes of the electric bike. The maintenance of these three components is elaborated further;
- Tires Maintenance: It is important to check the apparent condition of the tires of your e-bike, the PSI level and keep them inflated. If the tire is flat on the go, you may have the necessary tools for its repair. Fixing the flat tire of an e-bike is mostly similar with that of a paddle bike. However, an e-bike with hub motor can cause some complexities in fixing the flat tire. You have to know the right way of disconnecting and the reconnecting its electric wires and connections.
- Brakes Maintenance: Regular checkups of the e-bike brakes is also a must do. The brake pads, drums and discs need to be replaced in due time. If adjustment is required such as of any loose parts of the brakes, it should also be done in time to save the immediate replacement cost. Efficient and responsive brakes of your e-bike are the best way to keep your ride safe.
- Chain Maintenance: The cleaning as well as lubrication of your e-bike’s chain keeps it running smoothly and noiselessly. Usually the chain is removed to wipe out the rust and dirt on it. However, the regular lubrication and oiling can be done without removing it. For riders of fair weather, chain lubes that are usually called as ‘dry’ are a better option.
Apart from these maintenance tips, whenever you head on your e-bike do some simple checks. These checks will keep you safe from any hassles during the commute. Feel if your e-bike motor is taking more load. The possible cause could be damaged or flat tires. This will not only increase the load on motor but can also decrease your e-bike’s battery timing to less than 50%. Keep the basic tools or gears with you so that if you encounter any minor issues during the ride, it may not stop your journey. Additionally, as soon as you start riding your e-bike, check its brakes. If the motor is stopped suddenly, do not panic, the possible cause be just a disconnection of wires. Your e-bike has a default power-unit and a speed sensor that keeps a check on how fast the bike is going. These two components, keep the power delivering and charging utilization at optimum level. In case the magnet of any of these units is knocked, it will immediately stop the motor. At such times, all you need to do is to bring that magnet back in line and the motor will start working again.
Another common mistake that e-bikers often do is that they start hopping on the electric bike and while doing the paddle-work they suddenly get to know that they forgot to switch on the motor. When motor is switched on, it experiences an unexpected pressure due to the paddles and can stop working. At that time, it usually gives an error code of ‘WA13’. To make it good, stop the e-bike, turn the motor off, remove its battery and after a couple of minutes, put the battery on. There is a high chance that this simple procedure will get you rid of that WA13 error. Apart from such scenarios, try never to disconnect or remove your e-bike’s battery or motor unless otherwise necessary.
After completing your ride or reaching your destination, do not forget to keep your e-bike clean and fully charged. Any dirt that is put on it on the go should be removed and the battery should not be left drained. This will not take more than 5 to 15 minutes of your busy schedule but this little care will be a great ad-on to keep your electric bikes’ performance at peak.
Lastly, there is no proper schedule for the inspection of your e-bike. That means you do not need to schedule frequent service appointments for it. However, getting your e-bike’s battery, motor, frame, brakes, tires, chain and other components inspected once or twice every year can nip the potential problems right in their buds and your e-bike will always keep you going perfectly.